Science & Technology

Science & Technology

The Foundation will generate activities and support Ideas in the field of the twenty-first century.

The application of science and technology in the service of the people, particularly the poor and the deprived, in areas of greates social and economic need, was of special interest to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The Foundation will concentrate its activities on practical programmes of bringing the benefits of science and technology to the common man.

The Foundation recognizes that funding for science and technology programmes is at present available from several national and international agencies. It will therefore support project of scientific and social relevance which fall outside these traditional sources of support, or which are innovative and yet people-based in nature.

The Foundation will identify appropriate people/voluntary agencies/institutions working in the field of science and technology and encourage/support them in their activities.

a. Projects, which have, direct relevance to the lives of the people for whom they are meant.
b. Projects which aim at improving the quality of life of the poor and needy people living in the urban and rural areas, especially in the under-served and backward areas.
c. Projects, which promote the propagation of scientific temper.
d. Projects, which reach the benefits of research done previously to the people in a systemic and phase manner.